Daily Life in Sumer

Mesopotamian Gods and Goddesses

Mesopotamian Inventions

Who Were The Mesopotamians?

Code of Hammurabi
Immerse your students in the everyday lives of the first civilization in the world. Three reading pages cover aspects of Sumerian life including city life, the life of a farmer, social classes, home life, food, clothing and leisure time. Worksheets and activities reinforce the information. Also included are two printable versions of the Royal Game of Ur, possibly the oldest board game in the world. This is a fun, quick game to understand and play, similar to backgammon.
3 Information Handouts
Vocabulary Page
True or False Worksheet
Multiple Choice Worksheet
Compare and Contrast Activity
Writing Challenge
Printable Royal Game of Ur (differentiated versions)
Royal Game of Ur Instructions (differentiated versions)
Answer Sheets
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