
Free Interactive Task Cards
This free set of interactive task cards is an engaging way to teach middle school students about Ancient Egypt.

Simple Depth Perception Experiment
Try this really easy test to see how your perception is different when you only use one eye.

Terracotta Army Puzzle
After more than 2000 years, the terracotta army, built to guard Chinese emperor Qin Shi Huang, was a bit like an enormous 3-D puzzle made up of fragments of 8,000 life-size clay figures. Archaeologists and restorers spent months, or even years, on each figure, finding the right places for all the pieces and sticking them back together.

Who were the Ancient Greeks?
The Ancient Greeks were people who lived in the area around the Greek Peninsula between 4,000 and 2,500 years ago. They spoke the same language and worshiped the same gods but they lived in independent city-states.

Vikings Bundle - What is the best order?
The Vikings Bundle includes twelve stand-alone resources that can be taught in any order, plus a review to wrap everything up. However, we can recommend a certain order of topics.

Ancient Athens
Athens was an ideal location for trade, so even though it was not a fertile area, Athens became a powerful city-state. Athens built a fleet of trading ships and imported all their grain from the Mediterranean, using trade to gain wealth and influence. By the 5th century B.C., Athenian coins were used all over the Mediterranean, and Athens was the head of a Greek alliance against Persia.

Our First Digital Escape Room
This digital escape room is an engaging way for students to review everything they've learned from our print and digital Viking resources. Students explore a professor’s office and use their knowledge about Vikings to unlock clues that can be used to open the door and escape the room.

Is an apple alive?
Philosophy can seem like a bit of a lofty subject for middle school students, but kids are natural philosophers. As soon as they can talk, children start to ask questions, wanting to understand the why of things. Philosophy can be a great tool for tackling questions without easy answers.

Legionary and Auxiliary Roman Soldiers
The Roman army was the main source of power and strength for the Roman Empire. They conquered new lands, controlled conquered people and protected Roman citizens. Part of the reason for their success was their strict discipline. Every soldier knew exactly what they needed to do, even in the thick of battle.