The Great Race
One of the main legends about how the years got their names is the story of the Great Race.
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The Great Race
One of the main legends about how the years got their names is the story of the Great Race. According to the tale, the ruler of the heavens, called the Jade Emperor, celebrated his birthday with a race. He invited all the animals in the world to take part. The first twelve animals to finish would have a year named after them.
The hardest part of the race was a wide, fast river. The rat and the cat asked the bigger animals for help across the river, but only the ox agreed. Partway across the river, the rat knocked the cat into the water. When they reached the other side, the rat nipped in front of the ox to come in first place. The tiger crossed next, followed by the quick rabbit, who had floated across the river on a log. The dragon was a fast flier, and could have been first, if it had not stopped to help some villagers. Instead, it came in fifth. The snake wound itself around the horse’s leg and slithered across the finish line to become sixth, just before the horse. The goat, monkey, and rooster floated across the river on a raft. The dog was a great swimmer, and could have done well, but was easily distracted and only managed to come in eleventh. The pig came in twelfth after stopping for snacks and naps. The cat eventually crossed the finish line, dripping wet, but it was too late, did not get a year named after him.
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